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Filter Housing


Before we moved into our fixer-upper house, I never considered filtering my water supply. Sure I thought about filters but they seemed like a luxury more than a need. We lived in an apartment and I just didn’t see much of an investment to get a tap filter. And getting a filter for all of our water seem impractical since we were living in an apartment. For all I know, the apartment had a filter for the main water supply.


When we moved in to our house, the previous owners and the appraiser both suggested getting a filter for our water. At first I thought that this was something that didn’t need to be invested in but then after talking to a few neighbors and drinking the water (it really did taste a bit strange) I decided that it was time for a filter.


I wasn’t sure what exactly to get. I thought about just getting a filter for our tap water that we drink or getting a water pitcher that filters just for the drinking water. But after some consideration and weighing the options I decided to go with filter housing.


Filter housing is what housing the cartridge of the filter. You buy the filter housing and then switch out or clean the filters as they get dirty. There are a few products on the market but I went with American Plumber filter housing. The price of the filter housing is pretty low cost and the filters not much more. I was surprised to find the cost so reasonable and I am thinking I should have been filtering my water for years.



I can’t believe what I difference I have seen in my filtered water. The drinking water was the first obviously difference. I truly notice a difference in taste and the clarity of the water. I have a hard time drinking water from other homes without a filter and I was surprised to find that I noticed a difference. But what I was even more surprised to find is the difference in preparing my food. I swear that when I boil my veggies and use filter water in cooking, my food tastes better.


The great thing about having filter housing is that I can place it so it filters all my water; this includes the water in the bathroom sink and shower. You might think that there is no need for this, and maybe there isn’t but I like to know that all the water I am using is free from extra dirt. When it was time to change and clean my filter, I was shocked with how much dirt and other particles were filtered out of my water. I never realized that even though our water supply is “clean” it really isn’t that clean. I recommend every household install a filtering system at least on the drinking water. If you are considering buying a filter housing visit this site. 

Home Improvement Housewife

Posts about my home improvement adventures

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