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            My husband likes to hunt and I don’t mind that he does because I like to eat the jerky he makes and I am a big fan of venison.  I have a lot of good recipes that I can use the meat with and they are pretty tasty if I do so say myself!  Sometimes when he is hunting, the weather gets a little too cold.  He started to put on extra layers of clothes to stay warmer and this helped him to stay warmer-but it restricted his movement when he would try to shoot (using his gun or his bow).  For years I have heard stories about how he could have got a better deer if he could have got his weapon up faster.  I would tease him about how that was just his excuse for not getting a better buck, so he said he would prove it to me.  He set up some targets in the backyard and then put on all the layers of his clothes.  He took some shots and some of them were pretty far off the mark.  Then he took the layers off and shot again.  This time around his shots were more on target and he could ready his weapon faster.

            After that experience, I believed him!  I decided that I would try to find him a warmer coat that would also be lightweight-this wasn’t an easy task!  Most of the warmer coats were way too bulky and not ideal for hunting.  As I continued to search, I was surprised to see what I found next!  The Milwaukee tool website popped up and so I was curious to see why a search for a warm coat would do such a crazy thing.  I got on the site and found that they have a variety of hoodies and coats that are heated electrically (through a battery source).  I thought that I had stumbled on a site from the future!  I had been saving some money to get my husband something nice for his hunting trips, but I didn’t have enough saved to get the camo hooded sweatshirt that I wanted to get for him.

            I took out some money from one of my accounts so that I could make the purchase.  About a week before my husband was going to go out for the hunt, I left the box on his side of the bed while he was taking a shower.  He came out, asked me what was going on and I just smiled at him.  I told him to open it and then I told him Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas because this thing was expensive!  When he saw what it was he got very excited!  He had heard someone at work talking about these types of jackets and thought that may solve his hunting problem, but then he didn’t really do anything about it.  He charged up the batteries that came with the jacket and then tried it out.  He couldn’t believe how warm it got and that he could still move around freely!  Check out a large selection of these coats at Plumber’s Stock!

Home Improvement Housewife

Posts about my home improvement adventures

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