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As we have been fixing up our “new” house, we had to make a list of things that needed to be changed, updated or just plain torn apart and replaced. Because we had so many things on our list, I decided to prioritize. Some things had to be updated immediately and some things could wait a few years. My husband and I decided that we would fix anything and everything we could on our own. This has saved us time and money.


Dream Come True

The home we moved into is older and none of the previous owners bothered to set up a sprinkler system. They did the old fashioned way. Well, no thanks for me. There is too much lawn for me to move the sprinkler around all day. I wanted a good reliable system. In the previous places we have lived, I felt like we were always replacing parts and trying to get rid of dry brown spots. I told my husband that this was one of the home improvement projects that we would work on completely together (sometimes I just have him take care of it – it’s easier that way!).

We asked our local sprinkler supply store to create a computerized sprinkler design that would fit our yard and then we picked up the parts. I did a little research and found great reviews on Rain bird sprinkler system(s) and so we bought all the parts and supplies we needed to start out project.


This was my first attempt at putting together a sprinkler system. And might I say, a LOT of work! We had to dig out the area specified by the design and then lining up the parts and setting them all in place before gluing. Then came the tedious work of gluing each pipe together. I was a part of each step but… I let my husband do all the connecting and gluing. It seemed liked the right thing to do.  

Once our system was in, sprinkler heads on and up and running, I was pleased with the results! I am loving our new system! It was completely worth the time, effort and money! Our sprinkler heads do an incredible job of reaching those tough areas most sprinklers do not. We have a large lawn and I was afraid that we would have to adjust our sprinkler heads frequently or have to water certain areas on our own, but we haven’t had any of that

Anyway, this post does have a point and the point is, one of my top “fixers” (the name my husband gave them) was the yard. I just had to have a nice yard for the kids to play. It has been my dream to just let the kids run around the yard while I watched from the kitchen window. So, that was our spring and summer project.

After the system was in, and the grass greener than ever, I turned the sprinklers on just-for-fun and I watched from my kitchen window as my children ran through the sprinklers laughing and playing.  Dream come true.

Home Improvement Housewife

Posts about my home improvement adventures

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